4 comments on “Call Me Madame?

  1. A similar view from the other side of the table, that I wrote almost three years ago: http://www.recruitingrants.com/2011_12_01_archive.html

    Long story short:

    “Dear Mr. Shmoe”, ok. “Hi Joe”, ok. “Dear Candidate”, sounds a bit lazy, but ok, it’s probably a mass email anyway. (Don’t get me started on spammy recruiters, but IMHO it’s OK to send a mass email about it *if* the job is appropriate for *every* recipient.)

    But… “Hello Actively”, “Dear Casually”, “Hi Confidential”, or “Greetings and Felicitations, O Exalted Exploring Options”? Uh, no. That means that whatever they’re using doesn’t even work right, AND they haven’t bothered to check. More than likely, they also haven’t bothered to check whether the job is a good fit for me either.

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  2. Agreed on all this with one caveat. I will often call candidates, too, if something seems off, but it’s also contextual to the search. My primary client base- educators- is high volume. Sometimes I only call after I’ve scheduled all the high potential candidates that are not questionable at all. Sometimes someone gets missed who is probably a great fit but phoned in their materials. I think as much as you focus on impressing a recruiter, and not making dumb mistakes, you have to think about the competition.

    In my resume book, I talk about this a lot- the specificity test. After you’ve written your quantified-accomplishment resume, how specific is the content compared to someone else at a similar experience level? How do you portray yourself as a unique candidate?

    Specificity often gets you the job.

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